Friday, February 16, 2007

Ray Of Light...

There used to be a time when everyday was a struggle. My life was never really in my hands, its like using an escalator, you know where you are going but u cant really control anything else, the ground beneath my feet decided where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do. More importantly, I didnt believe in myself enough to even try and break this wearisome constancy. I was afraid of breaking away from this subdued aliveness that was Life. But somewhere and for a few moments I remember being happy...always wished it would last longer...but it never did...the harder i tried to hold it tight...the more easily it slipped, like sand, between my fingers...I wish I would be born someone else...something else...I sound like an escapologist I know...but thats what happens when you find thorns rather than the roses...when will this overcast sky that I can see life once again...and escape these walls...

...and one day it happened...a ray of light broke through the benighted touched my face...and I opened my eyes for the first was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen...through the tears...the sight of a watery sunrise...the one time dampness didnt bring a dingy brought brought brought dissolved the darkness...and the sun shone down on me...warm and delicate...with all its illuminating brilliance...the walls were finally broken and never again would I let them rebuild was much too beautiful...I am sure you will agree...that ray of light was my saving grace...I thank it with all my heart...I hope it can hear me...


  1. Trawled through your blog today and i am glad to see yet another wonderful and fantastical post Imroz!!
    This one is different as it is about new beginings and new ends on a more positive and progressive note and displays your strength to let it go..!! are a few lines i read somewhere...
    "Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results."..

  2. This post is something new n for the first time i din have tears in my eyes while reading ur blog but a feeling of immense happiness and satisfaction :)...It reflects a positive change in ur attitude n the new ideology which u have adapted towards life...b happy forever n carry on u lots...

  3. Really heart touching, inspirational and as innocent as u r today. when i read these lines, i found happier for you, as now i know, u again enjoys life.
    I pray MAA Durga will always keep her blessings on you and shower you with lots of love in your life once again and your eyes would never see tears in them

  4. An extremely good attempt at writing; and I must say that your language is almost convincing. However, I believe that you should begin reading good literature now.
