Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Turtle Dove

I think I am a turtle dove,
I've heard it never forgets its love,
I know my wish may never come true
but I am wishing you're one too!

Had I known this journey with you would be cut short I would not have packed along so many dreams, so much love and hope. But then I guess how would I call that true love. Its sad to admit that you will no longer be mine and I can never call you mine. I know that you will be happy wherever you go, I only wish that happiness could have been with me. I don't have to tell you how much I love you and how much I will miss you. I will try and move on and I will try to be happy. I was looking at a picture of you recently and it seemed like you were looking at me once again. For a moment I lost track of time and place, it took me sometime to come back to reality. I touched your eyes and held the picture to my chest, it seemed like forever had passed since I had held you last. Your smile I will miss the most, the way it lit up my day and my life. Every time I saw you smiling, I thanked God with all my heart for blessing me with you. Alas, the lord had bigger plans and neither you nor I can make sense of them. I will not ask you why you are leaving, I am just hoping it was important enough for you to let go of me. I am also hoping I was as important for you as you are for me. I wish you luck and I wish you joy. I know no one can love you like I can because no one sees what I see in you. But I wish that when someone does loves you, they realize what they have gained and what you are truly worth. I know because I have lost you. But I will not upset myself and I will not cry. I have the strength and courage to face life without you. I am content just with the thought that somewhere under this vast expanse of blue, you are alive, smiling, happy and beautiful. Ironically I am also an eternal romantic and I believe my love will not wither with time, it will return some day, maybe in some new form, a new name or a renewed promise. So fly away my love, let not a single chain of condition bind you to me, someday maybe you miss the warmth of my heart and the perfume of my love guides you back.

Come here my love, lie down beside me
let me look at you one final time,
let me sing you one final rhyme,
these moments might be your final with me,
so breathe into my lungs and fill yourself in me,
let me love you and let you love me,
then I can let you go and you can let me be...


  1. Absolutely loved the last paragraph......
    ...."Come here my love, lie down with me
    let me look at you one final time,
    let me sing you one final rhyme,
    these maybe your final moments with me,
    so breathe into my lungs and fill yourself in me,
    let me love you and let you love me,
    then I can let you go and you can let me be.."

    Keep it up.!!!! Waiting for another delicate thought...and yet another wonderful post..

  2. this was so touching... it almost made me cry.. :(
