Sunday, July 20, 2008


I am stuck in a place, frozen in my mind,
where pain is habit, love a lost rhyme,
empty frames decorate its walls of lime,
enslaving my soul for an eternal crime,

I examine the walls of my prison cell,
names etched of those who rose and fell,
voices whispering, their own stories to tell,
I listen to them like a silent rebel,

A thorn welcomes my every step,
its pain inside me so secretly kept,
a scar for each promise I kept,
a smile for each tear unwept,

Love, hate, trust are just words to me,
their distinction no longer visible lucidly,
I'm no longer the custodian nor Knight to be,
I don't want to be heard, I just want to be free,

I am tired of forgiving and being strong,
It's a burden I can no longer carry alone,
I confess my sins and plead to thee,
send me to the gallows, set my soul free,

Don't shed a tear when they hang my head,
the curse, the agony finally comes to an end,
the journey over as the river reaches the bend,
and I sleep in tranquility, till the dead are un-dead.


  1. They say that 'the worst prison is a closed heart.' Confessions, disclaimers, promises, prayers .. let all of them flow through your vesres.

    It's a burden should you choose to carry it and it's a tear should you withhold it.
    Eitherway, candid post, kudos!

  2. There are certain words or random thoughts that usually strike me when I read ur posts...this one is no exception to that....
    one feels sad and nice at the same time..nice coz I love the way you write and sad makes me feel like that..glum and gloomy...
    As far as the writing goes..its superb..! as always....
    While reading it I usually get in...I relate to it and at the same time I try to think wat must be running in the writer's mind to use such dark imagery..!
    But needless to's great...!! Keep it up...u know m ur biggest fan...don't u..??:)
