Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Thousand Years

Can I say that I could live,
a thousand years without seeing your face,
yet every living moment my soul,
your resonating life, it would chase,

I know I tried so hard to fill,
the emptiness from our demise,
and as my dreams were poached I realized,
the nuptial rings were never our size,

I'd like to think that I could be,
complete without your presence here,
yet every starry night my eyes,
hope to find your shadow near,

I wanted so much to become,
the one you thought I always was,
a thousand years I must now repent,
a thousand years' worth of flaws.

(Picture Credited to: David Richler


  1. Beautiful Poem!

    Please see my posts :

    Haircules Speaketh!

    Love is two way

    Please vote for them if you find them interesting.

    Keep Blogging :)

  2. @Ranting Indian: Thank you and I will definitely give your posts a read :)

    @induravisinghj: Thank you so much!

    @Anku: glad you liked :)

  3. Don't change for someone... they will love you the way you are... :)

    I loved it. <3

    God bless you

  4. @WonderWall: I don't intent to change and thank you for reading :)

  5. It took a month..! and the wait was absolutely worthy.. loved it! the pain, and the acceptance always comes together.. like in the poem..

    "as my dreams were poached I realized,
    the nuptial rings were never our size" - lovely lines..!

  6. Loved it, as always!! :)

  7. @Krishnapriya: Thank you so much, your appreciation is truly humbling! :)

  8. "I'd like to think that I could be,
    complete without your presence here,
    yet every starry night my eyes,
    hope to find your shadow near,"
    Well written imroz! Loved reading it....just lost my best friend in an accident and somehow reminded me of him..
    take care
    do visit my blog sometimes and leave ur views

  9. Awwwww!

    So beautiful but sad :(

  10. Wow! Beautiful poem. Throbbing with emotions. And very well composed.


  11. @Madoutthere: I am really sorry to hear about your friend but I know losing someone can leave a indelible print on our heart, my best wishes to you and thank you for the compliment :) Will definitely read ur blog!

    @megha: Thank you! :)

    @Jyoti: Thank you! :)

  12. Imroz....I visited your blog from Saru's FB profile...and the first poem I read, I am recating OH My God!..yeah, I uttered these words exactly and I wish you could see my expression.

    What you have written guy! Its painful, deep, so profound, I think just like your hurt. Life is complicated and often there are no U-turns. Regret and wait for the next birth is what we start believing in.

    These words touched by soul-
    a thousand years I must now repent,
    a thousand years' worth of flaws.

    I am sure, I am staying on your blog for many more words.

    Take care.

  13. @Shaifali: I must thank Saru of course for directing readers to my blog and let me tell you I don't get as many comments on my blog as I would like but to get even one comment like the one you left makes the wait worth it.

    Thank you for your kind words, for relating and absorbing the meaning of my poetry. I look forward to more comments and feedback in the future.

    Keep reading!

  14. Awesome expressions...
    deep n intense, beautiful imagery u created with those words !!

    u've gt a nice blog :)

  15. @Jyoti: Thank you so much :) you've got a pretty neat blog urself!

  16. Wow. The first paragraph did it for me. Brilliant. :-)
