Thursday, January 19, 2012


When I was a little boy,
I dreamed of someone like you,
as I grew older I think I tried,
too hard to make you come true,

As the years vapidly toil on,
the dream's still alive unborn,
but I'm beginning to believe,
you're nothing more than an illusion,

For a few chance moments I felt,
my heart in consternation,
but it was just coincidence disguised,
as a divine premonition,

I shudder, shrink, gather, move on,
familiar faces mocking in unison,
reality slips slowly from my crippled grasp,
still miles away from my destination,

The whispers now have stopped and I pretend,
I am under the Lord's protection,
the dream audaciously lingers on,
despite my blatant rejection,

I am a fool and I'll always be,
beguiled by this infatuation,
if you don't intend to show up,
at least point me in the right direction,

When love ceases to exist and I finally surrender,
to fate and all its abberations,
all the world will go dark in search of salvation,
you will still be the only exception.


  1. I liked the way the poem pegins and how the words are reflected beautifully in the wonderful image!

  2. @Sunil: Thank you so much and welcome to my blog, please keep coming back :)

  3. i always love your poetry :)
    I'd recently gone to a literary festival and there were poetry recitals and after reading this, I think one day you could do a poetry reading too. :)

  4. @Mehak: hehehe wow! that would be a dream come true...don't know if I am that good yet but your comment assures me that I am in the right direction...thank you so much! :)

  5. The simplicity and depth of this creation is intoxicating...

  6. You have a way with words. Excellent work. Keep it up!

  7. @Enigmatic Soul: Thank you so much for the appreciation, welcome to my blog and please keep coming back! :)

  8. Very evocative...I feel your pain...beautiful imagery....a wonderful attempt! Loved it, Immy! :-)

  9. Excellent..! just excellent..
    It started off as a fairy tale... but them became intense and intense and finally just divine.. :).. Sorry Divine Love! :)

  10. @Krishnapriya: What can I say...but that was a really special compliment...thank u so much! :)
